Director / Writer / Producer

As I Process


One of the greatest things about filmmaking, and a damn good reason for never excusing boredom, is that it can be about anything and everything. Its possibilities are endless and it’s a medium in which you can explore whatever subject you so choose and that’s the beauty of storytelling. It’s all inclusive and no object, person, time, or place is off limits. Now that can either paralyze you or set you free. It’s a blessing and a curse all wrapped up in one and what you’re able to do with it will depend on how you choose to see it. 

It’s a curse because it can become quite overwhelming. Film not only requires some kind of knowledge of the technical craft but also knowledge of whatever your subject matter is. Considering how abundant your choices are, you might find yourself not even knowing where to start from. 

It’s a blessing because you can start with what you know. You might not think you know much but I find that hard to believe about anybody, really. We’ve all got our stories, our opinions, and our life experiences and if you’re telling that story by remaining true to your own point of view, then I guarantee it’s one worth telling. 

No matter how many times you think the same exact story has been told, we all have our individually unique ways of telling that story. Who you are and what you’ve been through will certainly serve as a one of a kind telling of a story you thought you were tired of hearing, provided that you’ve actually been living. 

We sometimes lose ourselves in the work and our need to keep creating that we forget to live. We forget to indulge in life and all the experiences and opportunities awaiting us. We can become so engulfed in the process that we resort to the stereotypical, mundane, and ordinary approach to our lives and our craft. We forget that inspiration can be hiding just around the corner if only we took a few leaps towards it. 

Remember to live. There’s so much more to life and it’s waiting for you. It’ll make you, your art, and your stories a whole lot more interesting and authentic. 
